Monday, December 24, 2012

A Holiday Surprise - Kamen Rider episode 39 - The Christmas Special!

Kamen Rider episode 39:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

A holiday gift for all of our fellow Friends of Justice!

Ah, Christmas specials.  No matter what holidays you celebrate, there's always something fun about a good Christmas episode. And this one has all of the classic tropes.  Teamwork, heroes saving an orphanage, granting the wish of a child, a toxic virus that turns people into wolves, and the death of a major character.

Oh, wait...

That's right.  For a special out-of-order Holiday Celebration release, we're bringing you Kamen Rider episode 39.  Also known as the Christmas Episode!  And it sure packs a punch for a Christmas episode... but be warned, there are spoilers abound!  If you're set on watching the series in order, then consider this fair warning.  Everything after the cut will discuss spoilers.  But if you're in the Christmas spirit, and you want a good old fashion superhero Holiday special, then feel free to proceed!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 33!

Kamen Rider episode 33:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

In this week's episode, Shocker has a visitor from Brazil.  He stopped by to catch up, get some much needed rest, check out the local attractions... and blow up all of Japan's gas tanks.  Sure, why not!  And while he's there, he figures he might as well finish that little project he started a while back:  Brutally murdering an entire family!

A family from Brazil, that looks suspiciously Japanese... hmmm...

Anyway, his plans get cut short when a little turbulence comes his way, in the form of a few Rider Kicks.  How is a multicolored Armadillo-about-town supposed to relax like this?!

There is some top notch directing and action choreography in this episode.  The plot... eh.  Let's just assume it was sacrificed in order for that awesome final battle on the bridge to happen.

And coming to you from one of our favorite fans, whom we are a fan of, and he himself is also a fan of voice actors: Jeff Burns trivia time!
This week has an interesting voice actor portraying Armadilong, Michihiro Ikemizu. We've heard him before as Zanbronze, Scorpion Man and Hitodenja and will continue to hear him more throughout the series up to Super-1. The interesting part is that years later he will go on to be one of the many voice doubles of Kamen Rider 1 and he can heard several times in Skyrider (and also Kamen Rider Stronger when Shigeru Araki was unavailable during his initial appearance). Other Toku Credits (as listed on wikipedia) include Fireman, Jumborg Ace, Chojin Bibyun, Barom-1, Battle Hawk and Ultraman Ace (filling in as UltraSeven). Another well known Toku related role he played is Moonlight Mask in the 1973 Anime adaption.
Awesome stuff, as always.  You know how much we love trivia here!

Anyway, sorry for the delays lately.  Like I've mentioned a few times elsewhere, I'm working on a side project with a few friends from some other groups.  It's not a tokusatsu series, and for various obfuscated reasons that even I don't understand, I'd like to keep it kind-of-a-secret on here.  Anyway, that project is a weekly.  So it takes up a lot of my time, and it's released on a time scale I'm not quite used to yet.
The good news is that it's teaching me a lot more about the technical aspects of subbing, and getting me much more comfortable with editing our already-amazingly-translated scripts.  And as we release more episodes, I'll get more comfortable with doing more than one release a week.

And with that said, I'm going to try to make sure that episode 34 comes out a lot faster than this one did.  So we hope to see you again, soon!

- Steel A. Jeeg

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 32!

Kamen Rider episode 32:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Shocker's new warrior is a mutant man-eating plant from New Guinea, and she's here to kill the Rider and chew Animal Proteins.  And she's all out of Animal Proteins.

Hayato, Taki, and Tachibana will don the most hilariously 70s disguises ever in order to track down ToxicDahlia.  And they'll finally come face to face with Colonel Zol.  It's another awesome episode, with one of the most subtly violent finales in the series!

Be sure to check out the script for some cool episode trivia.

Also note that during the eyecatch, there's no trivia.  It just has the KITsubs tag twice.  However, there IS trivia in the script!  So download that, load up aegisub (or a related program) and check out those notes!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 31!

Kamen Rider episode 31:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]
When Goro is injured, Hayato loses the will to fight...
But Taki and Tachibana won't let him give up that easily, and in the efforts to boost his spirits, they may have helped Hayato unlock a new special attack to help him in his battle against Shocker!

This is actually a pretty dark episode, for a story about overcoming an emotional and physical hurdle.  There are some pretty gruesome scenes, and some really creepy moments between Takeo and his brother.  On the other hand, there's a really great scene between Tachibana and Hayato that will show both characters at their strongest.  It might seem out of character for Hayato, but it doesn't feel out of place.  And we get yet another scene in the franchise where Tachibana is the emotional focal point for the story.  It's a great scene, and it almost completely overshadows Taki's "pep-talk" with Hayato.

Also: Here's some episode trivia, thanks to our friend JEFFBM -
Ichirō Murakoshi's first stint as a Monster voice, we'll hear him again later in Episode 76 and other Rider shows like V3, Skyrider (two of which have appeared in the episodes subbed so far) and Super-1 in addition to serving as the Narrator of Inazuman and Bioman. His Japanese Wiki page lists even more Toku credits than the ones I've listed.
He also voiced characters in Brave Raideen, Great Mazinger, Lupin III, Chojin Bibyun, Barom 1, and Ultraseven!

This is the beginning of our Kamen Rider marathon, getting us to some fan-favorite episodes, and a very special milestone that we've been waiting a long time for!  You don't want to miss it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Post-Hurricane Sandy: We're back!

We were offline for a bit due to hurricane Sandy related issues.  Power outages, lack of internet access, and all of the mess you've probably heard about on the news now.  But we're back online, and getting things organized for our regular releases.  Check out twitter and facebook page for more information.

Anyone else on the east coast, stay safe!  Hope all is well.  We'll be back soon with Kamen Rider episode 31.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 31!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 31:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

This is a bit of a truncated release, so please forgive me.  I'm at NYCC this weekend, so if anyone else is attending, please feel free to come say hello!  But that means I have, like, two seconds to update things.  Ooops!

So, this is a fun episode.  Fun being the key word here...  it's the first half of a two-parter, and has a very different tone than we've seen before.  It's hard to pinpoint, but there almost something tongue in cheek about this episode.  But on the other hand, there's a lot of cool stuff.  Great location shots, the appearance of Golden Jaguar, a battle on horseback... and the appearance of a very cool cameo.

It was especially fun for us, because this cameo just so happens to come from KITsubs very first project together!

Before I go, have a fun fact:  The villain this episode is called "Torikabutoron"
As you can see above, I went with "WolfsbaneTron" for the translated name.  Torikabuto is the Japanese name for Wolf's Bane, a particularly toxic plant that our monster of the week just so happens to look like?
But what else does he look like...
Tori Kabuto can also be translated as "Bird" and "Helmet."

What fun!

And speaking of which, have fun with this episode!  We'll see you next week.  And if you're in New York for the convention, I hope to see you there!

- Jeeg

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Double Release: Kamen Rider Stronger 29 and 30!

Kamen Rider Stronger episodes 29 and 30:
29 - [MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]
30 - [MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Let's get the formalities out of the way first.
So, this is a first.  Links to a Stronger release posted directly to KITsubs?  Well, things are changing a little (very little) with Stronger.  Basically, we realized that we're REALLY close to finishing the series along with Midnight Crew Subs.  So we decided to make our little joint project official, and kick it into high gear.  So none of the technical aspects of the releases are changing.  Just expect to see them properly linked, with v2s of older releases coming in the future.

Now, for the episodes...  These are BIG episodes.  Like, milestone episodes for the entire Kamen Rider franchise, let alone for the series.  As Stronger continues to fight his way through the ranks of the Delza Army's officers, their warriors grow more and more desperate.  After Wild Eagle's defeat, Staff Officer Steel has taken charge in the assault on Stronger.  But lurking in the shadows, the demonic witch Doctor Kate sees an opportunity to gain the upper hand.

The rest... well, we'll discuss that after the cut.  Only read this AFTER you've watched the episodes.  Spoilers abound.  You've been warned:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 30!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 30:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

It's been a while!  But here we are, back with another batskunk crazy episode of Skyrider.  Seriously.  Bat. Skunk.  Crazy.
In this episode, a boy from South America and a Tapir have magical powers, and a class of grade school students are subjected to sheer psychological torture.  Possessed by a dark bloodlust, they go on a mission to slaughter adults.
This is seriously one of the craziest episodes we've done.

So is it any good?  Well, yeah!  The crazier the better!  And what's more entertaining than a bunch of murderous children?  We also get to see some new Skyrider attacks, and Admiral Demon making drunken jokes that aren't very funny.  Ah, c'est magnifique.  A superb sampling of nut ball Showa Rider action.

So that's it.  Now we're back to another three months of hibernation.
I mean, NO!  We're going to be back soon with some of those episodes on that INCREDIBLY long to-do list on the right, over there.  Probably some Stronger.  Also, if you check out our releases page, you'll see that we added entries for the entire backlog of Stronger.  We'll be getting to that soon.  Now that it's officially a KITsubs project (still being overseen by MCS members) we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

So we'll see you again MUCH sooner than we made you wait last time.  Promise.  Pinky swear, even!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And we're back

Hey guys, Jeeg here.  We're back from vacation.  And by we, I mean I'm back from vacation.  It was a little longer than I anticipated, due to some reasons I'll get to towards the end here, but we're officially up and running again (and I'm slowly trudging through my emails and private messages)

Up very soon this week is Skyrider 30, but before that I wanted to let you know that yes... we are back.  And also give you some updates on some stuff.

The big news is Stronger.  We are officially taking on Stronger as a full-time project, due to some recent shakeups over at Midnight Crew.  I don't know their official status, so please direct all questions over to them if you have any.  What I do know is Stronger, and I know that the same team that's been working on it for the past few episodes (Sky79, HeatMetal, Castiel, and me) will continue with that project as planned.  We're also going to be re-releasing the first 20 or so episodes with polished up scripts, along with bringing them up to the quality of the most recent episodes.

Smaller, less positive news... that second translator we were test driving still hasn't quite worked out yet.  We'll definitely let you know as soon as we do.  Until then, I'm sure there will be some developments on Super-1, so don't count him out yet!

And to end on a SLIGHTLY more positive note, we're currently working on getting some new raws for Hibiki.  So expect that long-dormant project to get off the ground again in the relatively near future!

Now for the boring stuff.  So as you know, KITsubs is a relatively small team.  Summer wasn't really a productive time for us, but that's due to our own personal schedules.  Still, I'm usually around to stagger releases, work on backlog, get some scripts out for checks, QC, etc... But this summer I took a particularly long (and relaxing) vacation before coming home to settle in to a new job.  So the vacation lasted a little longer than I initially anticipated.  I also had a birthday in there somewhere (shhh, it's a secret!) so things were much more hectic than I anticipated for a while.  But I'm back now, and the rest of the team has been for a while now.
In regards to that new job, that might mean that our release day will change again soon.  For now, I want to say Friday nights, but don't hold me to that.  We're aiming for weekly releases as usual, and for now that's the day that works best for me.  But again, we'll keep you posted on Facebook and Twitter about any changes.

If you'd like to follow me directly on Twitter, you can find me as @DogBarkingBees (Note: Expect salty language)
You can also follow my personal Tumblr, where I post lots of progress info on KITsubs releated stuff, as well as silly screen shots and the usual Tumblr junk.  JeegBees @ Tumblr.

And that's that.  Sorry for the long update, but I like to keep things as transparant as possible here.  I know a long hiatus can be scary with sub groups, even when they promise that they're coming back (I can think of one in particular...) so I figured the more information, the better.  And thanks for reading!  We'll see you guys soon with some new releases.

- Jeeg

Friday, August 31, 2012


We're not dead, we swear!
Actually, we released Kamen Rider Stronger 28 along with Midnight Crew Subs a little over a week ago.  But since then, we've been on a mini vacation.  You might have seen this already, but only if you follow us on Facebook or Twitter.  So for those of you that are loyal to the blog... sorry!  I wasn't able to post from my LUXURIOUS BEACH VACATION (not really, bit there's no reliable internet out here!)

Speaking of Stronger... we've got some pretty big news coming up about that project, as well as the future of the group (nothing bad, I promise) So expect that, along with a new Skryider, next week!

Until then, I'm going to enjoy what little I have left of my (very hectic) summer.  And I'm looking forward to getting more episodes out along with the rest of the team soon!

(To any KITsubs members that are checking this, I haven't been able to log in to my /m/subs email.  I will respond to your messages as soon as I can!  Sorry.)

- Jeeg

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Woops Averted! See Below...

(Stronger 28 is coming soon!)

Ok... I've made a terrible mistake.
It appears I have the wrong versions of the scripts for Kamen Rider 32-36 on my computer.  Instead of Sky79's translations, I have my partially translated timings...

Ok, so no big deal... I'll just get them from the forum, right?
Oh... it looks like all of the old file attachments were deleted when the threads merged.

So yeah, this is made even worse because Sky is on vacation until the 20th, and we need TL checks!  So in case she doesn't get back to me until then, I was hoping that maybe one of you had them?

If anybody has the original scripts from the /m/subs forum, please let me know!  I'll be eternally grateful!

It appears as if I've saved the day using a little bit of internet ingenuity spurred on by late-night-crazies...

First, I found the post that contained the file I need (see the lack of a download link)

Then, I get the post number from the post details link

Now, I apply that number to the link that pops up when you try and download one of the current attachments


It looks like spending way too many years of my life working on the internet have finally paid off!  Or have they...

Anyway, thanks for putting up with my freak out, everybody!  We'll be back later on along with Midnight Crew Subs for a new episode of Kamen Rider Stronger.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 29!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 29:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]
If you were worried that things would get silly during the second half of Skyrider, then you were wrong.  At least for now, anyway.  This episode is messed up.  At face value it seems really silly.  Especially the part with the silly Halloween masks.  But once you realize that's part of the plot, then you can let the actual gravity of the story settle in.  We've got an ancient mummy enslaving children to kill people in Japan.  Pretty standard fare for NeoShocker, to be honest.  But it's the way he does it, and the way the kids attack people... that clicking will haunt your soul!
But don't take my word for it.  Check it out for yourself!

This episode also marks the first time we see the new opening and ending theme.  The new opening is cool!  And the ending... well, it's an ending theme all right.  We did the best we could with it...

Anyway, this is another great action episode.  Hiroshi loses his cool  towards the end and goes full-on Batman at one point.  You'll see what I'm talking about.  When you do, just ask yourself this... "Where did the Captain go?"

Dark stuff, man.  Dark stuff.  But it's all in the name of fun!
We'll be back sooner than later this time, with some more Skyrider, a new episode of Stronger, and something special along with Over-Time!  Thanks for watching.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 30!

Kamen Rider episode 30:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

And we're back!
This episode starts off with a HUGE factual error (you'll see, check the script for the real deal) and quickly escalates to Shocker admitting that their science is based less in logic than it is in "wtf" factor.  We also get to see one of the most disgusting special attacks in Shocker Cyborg history.

This episode also features some great Colonel Zol scenes.  If you didn't love him before, you will now.  But he might actually be upstaged by our plucky Scientist-of-the-Week and his table turning twist on Shocker's treachery!

So, where have we been?  Well, as I mentioned last week, it's been a busy time.  The specifics are unimportant.  Definitely uninteresting.  It's summer, things are busy, people are traveling, etc... You know the drill.  But we're taking a new translator on a test run with a new script, we've got more staff than ever, and we're ready to get some episodes out.  Don't expect regular weekly releases just yet, but they'll be back very soon.  And our next release won't take as long as this one did.

As for WHAT that next release is... we'll see!  We have a lot of stuff in the pipeline, and we'll see what we finish next.  As always, we really appreciate your patience and we love bringing these episodes to you.  Thanks for all of your support!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Kamen Rider Stronger episode 27!

Download links and info at Midnight Crew's release blog:

It's been a while, hasn't it?  Both for Stronger, and for a KITsubs release!  Exactly a month since we last released something, and twice as long since we've seen a Stronger release.  Things have been crazy, as the beginning of summer usually is.  But now it's nothing but sunny days... which will be promptly shut out with blinds and curtains.  So expect things to swing into full gear again!

In this episode, Stronger gears up for its second half.  With Great Leader dead, nothing is standing in General Shadow's way from taking charge against the Earth.  With the eccentric and conniving Delza Army, he makes his presence known to Stronger and company.  And their first enemy is the powerful Staff Officer Steel.

Come back soon for Kamen Rider episode 30.  Then we'll discuss some of the news and developments behind the scenes that have been going on this past month.  Thanks for watching!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kamen Rider Super-1 episode 05!

Kamen Rider Super-1 episode 05:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

It's been a while!
This is the type of story where Super-1 really excels.  A melodramatic drama between siblings; Ninjas; Crazy Kung-Fu styles; Terror Macro waxing ominously poetic about his crazy plans...  it's so much fun.  There's a really great fight scene about half way through the episode that gets particularly intense!

This episode took us a lot longer than we expected.  It was originally planned for the 1-year anniversary since we put the show on hiatus, but plans fell through.  Then it was put on the back burner for a while.  Sky sent me the complete script for this ages ago, and it only recently finished the TL check process.  We still plan on getting more out eventually, of course.  And it will definitely be at a better pace than this!

We'll be back sooner than usual with Kamen Rider Stronger 27, along with Midnight Crew Subs.  After that, we still have a regular release for next week.  Thanks for watching!

I also want to say thanks to one of our followers on the Facebook Page, Kenny Magnificent Williams, who made us this awesome poster for our group!
I love stuff like this.  It's great to be part of such an active, and creative community.  And we're happy to bring these awesome shows to a new generation of audiences!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 29!

Kamen Rider episode 29:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

 Hayato gets the headline image, but Taki's the one that really shines in this episode.  He is a man that walked (and fought) amongst legends, and this episode really shows it.
This episode is a little all-over-the-place.  There are a few plot points that come up, and never really get mentioned again.  And Shocker's plan is kind of vague...  But the final battle between Rider 2 and the monster is nice!  A lot of really great close quarters fighting.  And any Taki-centric episode is A+ in my book!

While we're here talking, let me address something about our ddls.  If you look back through the archive, you will notice a lot of dead links for episodes.  You'll see them spread across the myriad of download services that we've used these past two years, especially in the wake of Megaupload.  We do not update these links.  Once an episode has been released, we will rarely (if ever) come back to the release post.
You should be getting your ddl links from here - our Official Release Page.  It's linked on the sidebar, but I wanted to talk more about it here.  We've received a few messages on Facebook and Twitter about dead links, and I figured that it might help to inform some of our new fans about this section of the blog.  These links are always updated, always up to date, and this is where you should be going to report dead links.  Right now everything is hosted on, and they have been a HUGE help to us!  You can get the episodes from us, or from their site.

Also, I mentioned our Facebook page earlier... you should join us!  We post pictures, talk to other fans, and you can get updates on future releases.  We've got 1,340 fans of this post, and that's really amazing!  You can follow us on Twitter, too.  I try my best to post there, but I'm constantly tweeting in my personal account and I always forget to log in...

Anyway, enough off-topic rambling.  We'll be back next week with a surprise release!  Also keep an eye out for Stronger 27, coming soon!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 28!

Kamen Rider episode 28:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

What classic science fiction series would be complete without a Mole-Men episode?
    In this episode, Shocker is abducting people and turning them into cybernetic mole slaves to dig beneath Japan's oil refineries.  Why?  To blow them up, of course!  In their history of crazy plots... this one actually kind of makes sense (minus the mole men, of course.)
    This episode also has a particularly brutal sword fighting scene where, you guessed it, Rider 2 grabs hold of a Shocker grunt's sword.  But then things escalate pretty quickly, and it turns into one of the best fight scenes we've seen yet!
   And of course, more Colonel Zol being a generally awesome villain.

    Also with this episode, I'd like to introduce two new staff members on the original Kamen Rider!  Along with Sky79 and me, Steel A Jeeg, we now have HeatMetal from Over-Time doing TL checks and helping with editing and Scissors Jaguar (or 鋏ジャガー, actually!) from the /m/subs forums timing and working on rough drafts!
    We've worked with HeatMetal before, his TL checks are great, and we're happy to have him as a semi-regular member of the team!  And  it's nice to see Scissor Jaguar lending a hand to a Rider instead of killing their families...  Well, that, and timing is an incredibly time consuming and important part of the job!

And keep an eye out this episode during the eyecatch.  We're trying something new, born from my eternal love of Rider trivia.  I hope you enjoy it!

Come back next week for Kamen Rider 29, and soon after for Stronger 27 and Super-1 05.

PS: It's been brought to my attention that we've been using an uncommon font for our episode titles!  If you see BIG BLOCKY TEXT for the episode titles on our mkv releases, then you'll need this font.  It's a small file, and a quick install.  I'll be embedding this file in our mkv releases from now on!
KITsubs titlecard font

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Joint Release: Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider: Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider: Fourze & OOO: Movie War Mega Max
[Torrent] [Script] [Over-Time Release Post]

This is our "secret" project along with Over-Time.  Was it really such a secret, though?

The Seven Legendary Riders are in trouble.  The world's newest evil secret organization, Foundation X, has aided in the research on some of the most powerful technology known to man.   Gaia Memories, Medals, Astro Switches...  When one rogue takes that power to use for himself, their power won't be enough.

The current generation of Riders will have to team up if they want to defeat Foundation X.  In the tradition of the Kamen Rider crossovers from the classic era, these four heroes will team up to take down this new powerful enemy.

Mega Max is seriously entertaining.  It has some of the best fight scenes we've seen from Kamen Rider in a while, thanks to the directing of Koichi Sakamoto (Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate, Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy) one of the most talented Tokusatsu directors in the industry.  That's a big statement to stand behind, I know.  But watch it and see for yourself.  There is a cinematic feel to this movie, a larger than life scope, that most Kamen Rider films are sorely missing.

However, a word of caution... if you have ANY interest in OOO, don't watch this movie until you've finished that series!  Mega Max takes place in continuity, following end of OOO's story.  There is a pretty big spoiler involved at the core of the OOO portion of this movie.  If you don't mind, or if you've already seen OOO, then proceed.  But if you think it won't be a big deal.... trust me, it kind of is!
And yes, that pun was intended.

Thanks for watching, as always.  We'll be back in a few days with Kamen Rider 28: The Subterranean Monster Molerang!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 28!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 28:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

    Here we are, the end of Skyrider's second arc.  The stakes are at their highest as NeoShocker and their 2nd Generation Monster Army are moving to destroy Japan.  Last episode, the Legendary Seven Riders came to the aid of Hiroshi just in the nick of time.  Now they are entrusting their special training to their new comrade, officially named Skyrider, to defeat GranBazami. 
    This episode will be the last time we see a lot of things.  The opening and ending, for one... and this is the last time we see Skyrider's first costume!  The new one is... less than impressive.
We also get to see the Riders' special training, a sequence that is genuinely one of the best in the series.      The whole build up and the training itself is such a cool moment in the series.  And it's always great to see all of the Riders team up!

I have to apologize again for the extended hiatus.  It was all on me.  Sky and UK Windom were still around, and I was the one wasting time with all of their hard work on these episodes.  Last minute renovations in my apartment caused the delay, this was AFTER the previous renovations.  But now everything's done, and the furniture is all moved back in, and things have settled down.  No more delays.

As a matter of fact, we're working on three projects right now.  Our next release, Kamen Rider 28 (where I'll introduce some new team members,) Stronger 27, and a special joint project between ourselves and Over-Time!  I won't spoil what it is, but I will say that tonight's release isn't the last time we're going to see the Legendary Seven for a while...

PS: Please let us know if you need any torrents seeded, scripts reuploaded, etc...  But hopefully everything has been running smooth these past few weeks.  Thanks for watching!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kamen Rider Stronger episode 26!

Download links and info at Midnight Crew's release blog!

We've been working with MCS on Stronger for a few episodes now, but we decided to make it an official joint project!  That way we can justify spending more time on these releases!

Also,  for the sake of a good segue, this episode was TL checked by our friend HeatMetal from Over-Time.  Who just so happens to be our new TL checker here at KITsubs!  He'll be helping us with the original Kamen Rider from here on out, so be sure to drop him a line and say thanks!

This episode of Stronger is a big one.  Without spoiling too much, it's safe to say that the conflict between General Shadow and Black Satan finally comes to a head.  Stronger still has Dead Lion's pendant in his hands, but Great Leader and Dead Lion will do whatever they can to get it back!  Is Stronger ready to face the fury of the TRUE great leader?

ps: This episode has one of the SILLIEST reveals of all time.  Seriously...

So enjoy the episode, guys!  We'll have more Stronger (as well as V2s of the older episodes) soon, keep your eyes on Midnight Crew's site for more info.  And be sure to check out their other releases!

We'll be back next week with Skyrider 28, where Hiroshi learns the tricks of the trade from the heroes of the past!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider Episode 27!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 27:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Update: Torrents are up, and (hopefully) running!  Fixed the CRC for the AVI, new download link added. (Thanks, Gantar!)

It's been a while!  If you want to know where we've been, and why this update has taken so long, check the last update.  And Facebook, where I've done plenty of complaining about how hectic things have been!

In this episode, NeoShocker pulls out all of the stops.  Two action commanders, two plans to destroy Japan, an army of reconstructed monster cyborgs, and a tank that can shoot neo-nuclear warheads!  How will Skyrider be able to stop them?
Spoiler... he won't!  By himself, anyway...

These next few episodes officially introduce Skyrider into the pantheon of Kamen Riders.  It also serves to differentiate him from the Riders he was originally an homage to!  That includes a costume change, coming up very soon, that leaves much to be desired.  Personally, I'm a HUGE fan of the original costume.  But, such is life...

We're back on track now, so far.  So expect more episodes soon.  That goes for our regular releases, and our joint project with Midnight Crew for Kamen Rider Stronger.  Thanks for being so patient!

Note: DDL links are directly linked to now.  You do not have to register to download episodes!  Let us know how you like it, and be sure to thank Sol from KRDL for his help during this hectic time for the internets!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

KITsubs - Status, Updates, and Rambling News

Ok, before we get to anything else, yes... we are aware that Filesonic is dead.  That's ok, they were really only a backup for our releases.  The torrents are still up (Remember to seed!  And let me know here, on twitter, or on Facebook if a torrent needs to be seeded!) and all of our files are still available on

About they're doing a HUGE favor for us.  They're hosting all of our files, but they're also going to allow direct linking for us.  So soon (by next week, I promise) all of our DDL links will be updated to point there.  They've also changed their policy for downloads, so now ANYONE can download.  No account or registration necessary.  Be sure to thank them for saving the online Toku fandom just in the nick of time.

As for the delays... yes, there were a lot.  And they were all from me (Steel A Jeeg)
It was my daughter's birthday last week, and we had family visiting for the month.  After that, my kitchen decided to commit suicide, so things have been VERY hectic lately.  Thankfully, most of that is over (my kitchen is still a shambles) but we're on track for new releases.

As for new releases:
  • Kamen Rider is getting a serious Rider Kick in the pants, thanks to our new guest team member, Heat/Metal from Overtime.  He's going to help us with TL checks on newer releases.  So we'll be getting plenty more episodes out, soon.
  • Sky79 and UK Windom have both finished new scripts for Kamen Rider, and Skyrider.  Check the project status on the right side of the page.
  • Sky also finished a HUGE batch of Stronger scripts for Midnight Crew Subs, that we'll be working on soon.
  • Speaking of Stronger, we're officially calling it a joint project now.  So that means we'll be spending more time working on those scripts, and treating them like our own releases.
  • Super-1 05 is still on track, but Kou (pro TL checker extraordinaire) has been busy/absent, so we're going to move forth with our other scripts while we wait for her to have some free time.
So that's everything, for now.  It was unfortunate timing that we were away (read: I was away) during the Internetapocalypse part 2.  But everything is settling down now, so we should back to business now.  Thank you all for staying with us while things were so crazy.  We'll see you again during the week with Skyrider 27!

PS: As you can see, I'm using Instagram now.  As a matter of fact, I'm pretty addicted to it.  Add me (steelajeeg) if you want to see more pictures of silly toys!

Edit 04/09/12 1:30am - All Kamen Rider download links updated and working on the Release Page.  Expect Skyrider updated later today.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Kamen Rider episode 27!

Kamen Rider episode 27:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

This is a big episode.  Goro's classmates are being lured into a team of elementary school guerilla soldiers by Colonel Zol.  Taki and Ichimonji go to investigate, but before they get too far they have to face Centipedras, and some reconstructed Shocker warriors!
The directing and the fight scenes in this episode are some of the best we've seen so far.  But more importantly, the stakes seem higher.  Colonel Zol's vile scheme to use children as undercover agents, and the reconstructed Shocker cyborgs, it all feels like a very big cinematic plot.  And it makes for a great episode!
There's also a great scene between Taki and Ichimonji in the middle of the episode.  Keep an eye out for it!

If you're wondering where we were last week, then head over to Midnight Crew Subs' blog.  We've been helping them with their Kamen Rider Stronger releases for the past few months, and last week we decided to devote our time to getting a new episode ready.  We're also helping them with their v2 release of Kamen Rider Kuuga, bringing the whole (K)uuga (I)nvestigation (T)eam thing full circle, I guess!  So keep an eye on their page for new releases.

As for us, come back next week for Skyrider 27.  Skyrider is overpowered, and his strength just isn't enough.  But maybe the help of a whole legacy of Kamen Riders will be able to overcome the odds!
You don't want to miss this one.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider Episode 26!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 26:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

ddl links up!
As much of a spoiler as that picture looks like it is, it really isn't.  This episodes is played for jokes a lot of the time, and the whole thing just seems like filler.  Granted, it's filler that builds up to next episode (which, if you stick around for the next episode preview, you'll see why that's so cool) so we can forgive it.

The story here is really all over the place.  NeoShocker plans to unleash a viral epidemic.  But also they want to turn schools into fortresses to surround Tokyo.  We see AntCommandos acting silly, Hiroshi fighting with chains (more than once) and X and Riderman teaming up for no apparent reason whatsoever.  But it's all in good fun!  And the fight scenes in this episode are top notch.

And, like I said, next episode is going to be a big one.

BUT, we'll have to wait on that one.  You guys know how much I like to prolong the wait on these milestone episodes.  So next week's episode is Kamen Rider 27!
Also, check back in here soon for some news on one of our joint-release projects with Midnight Crew Subs.
And thanks for watching, as always!

Monster Name Trivia Time!
This week's monster is "Dokuganba" in Japanese.  You might recall that we've already met a few DokuganDAs recently, between Kamen Rider and Stronger (with Midnight Crew Subs)
The only difference here is that ba syllable.  Normally we'd translate the name to ToxicMothra.  The reason being that the DA sound is just a sci-fi-make-em-up sounding syllable.  And of course a dokugan is a poisonous moth.  But here, there's a pun at work.  The ganba here is short for "ganbaru," which is a common japanese phrase you've probably heard in a million different places.  With the help of the crew in #sht we tried to figure out what the pun could possibly mean (a hard working moth?  a moth made of rocks?) until it finally dawned on me.  It can also mean "endure," and tonight's episode is about another poisonous moth... but THIS time the toxin is contagious.  So an enduring toxin... like an epidemic!  Which is exactly what this episode is about.
Being a vocabulary nerd, I went with "MiasMoth." Because of the amorous affect of alliteration, and also because miasma is my favorite obscure word for a viral outbreak.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kamen Rider Episode 26!

Kamen Rider episode 26:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Before we say anything about this release, I have to give a HUGE thanks to HeatMetal from Over-Time, for helping us TL check this script.  He did quite a bit of editing too, and I was really happy having his input on some tricky dialogue!  Those boys (and girls) do some good work, so be sure to go check them out for some SPACE-TIME when you get a chance.

This episode is a doozy.  It might not seem like it at first, because AntHellstorm (while hilarious looking) doesn't really do much.  But that's not the point of this episode.  We quickly realize that the REAL purpose of this episode is to introduce Shocker's first commanding officer... Colonel Zol!

Those who have seen All Rider vs. DaiShocker might recognize this as the guy that Narutaki turned into when whatever-the-heck-was-going-on happened.  But the real Zol is so much more awesome than that.

Played by Jiro Miyaguchi (real name, Akiyama Tadafumi) Colonel Zol really reminded us that Shocker was made up of the ancestors of Japan's Nazi army.  His calculating expressions and razor sharp uniform would become the epitome of a Shocker commanding officer.
Miyaguchi would return in Kamen Rider V3 to reprise this role, and he guest appeared in some other tokusatsu shows of the era.  Including episode 6 of Kikaider 01 as Red Centipede.  He was more well known for his roles in procedurals, and period dramas.  He passed away in 1995.

So with this, we see the beginning of a new arc for Kamen Rider.  The show will shift more from a monster-of-the-week brawl fest, and we embark on Hayato Ichimonji's battle to take down the fist Shocker commanding officer that we meet.

Thanks for watching (remember to keep those torrents seeded!) and we'll be back next week with one of the MANY new episodes we're working on.  Check the status bar for an idea of just what we've got on our plates for the coming months.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider Episode 25!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 25:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Yes, it looks silly.  Yes, it starts off silly.  But it's going to make you love Hiroshi as a character so much in the end.  Even I, someone who brushed this episode off as useless filler, was completely absorbed by how INSANE and DARK this episode got.  It's definitely a Kamen Rider episode that will go down in history as being one of "THOSE" episodes.
And if you feel nothing by the ending, then you are no friend of justice!

Things are running pretty smoothly for now, knock on wood.  Torrents are working well, DDLs in both locations are stable, and we've got more people watching than ever.  Thanks for all of your support over the past few weeks!

Actually, while we're here, I want to remind all of you to refresh the trackers on our torrents if you're currently seeding.  NyaaTorrents had a little bit of a change in their policy (it happened days ago, you probably didn't notice) and they changed all of the trackers on their torrents.  So if you're currently seeding one of our torrents from last week (or the week before) then go to our downloads page, and just redownload the .torrent file for the batch you're seeding.  You won't need to re-download all of the episodes, just that first tracker link.  It would be a HUGE help for us.

Thanks!  We'll be back next week with Kamen Rider 26.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kamen Rider Skyrider Episode 24, Batch Torrents!

Kamen Rider Skyrider episode 24:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI]

This release post might seem a little rushed, because I've been incredibly busy with KITsubs stuff this week.
For this release, we have Skyrider 24!  In this episode, a disillusioned scientist is a jerk to his little sister.  But that's ok, because she starts hearing voices due to the horrible way he treats her.  No, seriously...
Skyrider won't stand for MosquitopoxMan's plan to poison all of Japan, and exploit the work of an emotionally unstable young scientist.  This is one of the best Skyrider episodes we've released, trust me!

So, you want to watch Skyrider but you haven't seen ANY of it yet?  Well, remember what I said about being busy... tonight, we ALSO have batch torrents for ALL of Skyrider.  Everything we've released so far.  Tonight's episode is included in the Episodes 13-24 batches.  There is no individual torrent for episode 24.  If you want to download that episode by itself, just get the batch torrent, and uncheck all of the episodes you DON'T want.  See, it was simple!

Kamen Rider Skyrider Batch Torrents:
Episodes 01-12 [MKV] [AVI]
Episodes 13-24 [MKV] [AVI]

Also, also... speaking of busy again, everything is back online.  Over the course of the evening, I'll be adding links back to our release page.  I've reuploaded everything.  From Skyrider and Kamen Rider, to the one episode of X that we did, and the Hibiki episodes.  It's all back online.

BUT... if you should ever come across a dead link, then is hosting ALL of our regular series releases.  All of them are online right now, and new episodes will be added a day or two after they show up here.  If you're ever missing an episode, and the link is dead here (or you want faster download speeds,) then you can always find them at KRDL!

Jeez, that's a lot... it's been a busy week.
Come back next week for another episode of Skyrider!  Probably one of the most bizarre, and potentially emotionally scarring, that you've EVER seen!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Kamen Rider Episode 25!

Kamen Rider episode 25:
[MKV] [Script] [AVI] [MKV Torrent] [AVI Torrent]

Update: DDL links are active! Thanks for your patience.
Did you really think we would stop because of a little digital apocalypse?  There's justice to be had!  And we've got a great episode for you.  The conclusion of Rider 2's battle with MushrooMorgue.  This episode has everything you could want from a Kamen Rider episode.  The stakes are higher than ever, the whole team gets in on the fighting, and we get a lot of familiar tropes.  And it's all awesome.

The DDL links are coming soon.  We're trying something new for our DDL links this week.  We've teamed up with the guys at to bring these episodes to you.  When you get a chance, take a look at their site.  You'll have to register there to download episodes.  But the downloads are fast, and they're reliable.  And you don't have to worry about dealing with shady sites that are trying to fill in the gap that Megaupload left.  Of course, we've also got torrents for tonight's episode too!  So pick your method of delivery, and enjoy.  We're still working hard to get our archive back online, and thanks to the team at KRDL that should happen sooner than later!

Thanks for watching, we'll be back next week with Skyrider 24, and the Skyrider batch torrents!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Internetapocalypse, 2012.

Imagine for a minute that Ouja is Filesharing services, and Vegeta is... well, something punching them all in the stomach with lasers.  I don't know, I lost my analogy.  The point is, most of the filesharing services are closing shop.  Not all of them, but so far most of the big ones are no longer in service.  Fileserve, Filesonic, are down or limiting service, along with all of their clones and affiliated sites.  So that leaves very few options.  Also, Multiupload has yet to come back with a new list of mirrors, so we're waiting to see what happens with them.

So what does this mean?  Well, not much beyond the inconvenience of having to use torrents.  We're pretty much set on doing torrent releases along with batch torrents.  What that means for you is that you should get the file early, while it's still easy and fast to download.  As most of you know, a torrent is at its fastest a few hours after it's released.  After that, don't worry.  I'll keep everything active.  But it will be slower.

As for DDL sites, we're still looking into some stuff.  We're not totally out of options, so don't worry.  Definitely don't panic, because we're not GOING anywhere.  This is just another shift in the paradigm of fansub watching.  If you're an old man like me (30... grab my cane!) then you remember how much things have changed over the years.  From Napster, to winMX, to Limewire, to torrents, to Rapidshare, to Megaupload, and now...  well, back to torrents.  And don't forget IRC.  We used to do THAT for our subs back in the day.
Well, actually, back in "the day" we had VHS distros.  But that's a time long since passed, thankfully.

The point is, we're here.  We're going to adapt, and we'll find more options for those of you that can't torrent.  Don't worry, I'm too crazy and obsessed over these silly old shows to leave you all hanging.  And if the tumultuous climate of the internet's politics these days is getting you down, like it is for me, then you could probably use a good helping of cyborg superheroes to cheer you up.  So I owe you guys that much.

See you again in a few days with Kamen Rider 25.  Get your bittorent client of choice ready.  Hopefully we'll have some other options available, too.  Thanks for watching, as always!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kamen Rider - Batch Torrents!

In light of the Megaupload shutdown, we've decided to finally start releasing episodes via torrent.  I know a lot of you right now are shaking your computer screens violently, shouting "It's about time!!"  I know, I know... I'm slow to accept change.

In all seriousness, Multiupload has been very slow these past few days.  And many of the episodes mirrors will need to be replaced (we're working on that now, please let us know which episodes are down, and we will replace them as soon as we can!) So this all leads to it being the perfect time to release batch torrents.  We're starting with Kamen Rider, since we're releasing episode 25 next week.  So if you've been waiting to dive in to the original series, now's your chance!  We have two batches of episodes, each in both available formats.  Remember to seed the torrents as long as possible!  I put these up last night, and before they were even announced my computer was running so slow that I'm amazed I even typed out this post!

Kamen Rider Batch Torrents:
MKV - 
Batch 1 (01-12)
Batch 2 (13-24)
AVI - 
Batch 1 (01-12)
Batch 2 (13-24)

Also, starting next release, we're going to include torrents for individual releases too.  That way, no matter how hectic and uncertain the digital sharing frontier gets, we'll have a backup for getting episodes out there.

So we'll see you again soon, with another incredible episode of classic Kamen Rider action.  Keep an eye out in the meantime, and let us know if there are any dead links on the downloads page.  And we'll have Skyrider batches out sometime soon, so I really appreciate your patience with all of this.

Thanks for watching!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Megaupload shut down, reuploading scripts.

I'm sure you're all aware of the news about the US government shutting down Megaupload.  While we don't use Megaupload for our releases, we did use them for scripts.  And they were an integral part of Multiupload's service.  We are currently reuploading all of our scripts to Megaupload, and replacing the links on our Release Page.  Check the comments section of that post for updates.  Until then, we've uploaded all of our Kamen Rider and Skyrider scripts in two complete batches.

Kamen Rider Scripts (1-24)
Skyrider Scripts (1-23)

These are tough and uncertain times on the internet.  Unfortunately, fansubs will always fall into a grey area that kind of prevents us from speaking out about copyright issues like this.  For me, as a member of a fansub group, to post on an episode release blog about WHY this is unfair seems like a conflict of interests.  But there is plenty of information out there if you want to know why this kind of thing is a gross misuse of power.

So we're still here, and we'll be on track for next week's release.  But in the meantime, if you find ANY old links that aren't working, please feel free to tell us!  Either here, on twitter, on our facebook page, or on any of the forums where we post.  We'll do our best to reupload any dead links asap!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kamen Rider Episode 24!

First of all,  I would REALLY like it if you guys checked out our Facebook page.  I'm sure you're all aware of what's going on with the internet today.  I won't get into it here, but I've been pretty vocal about it on our Facebook page.  So please go take a look!

Ok, with that out of the way... we have a great episode for all of you tonight!  Shocker finds a new human to modify into one of their twisted creations... and he's probably their best candidate yet!  A truly repulsive criminal that takes joy in inflicting suffering on others.  Can Kamen Rider stop him before he spreads his deadly poison and attacks innocent children?

Kamen Rider episode 24:

Big thanks to our friend and collaborator Kou from J2Epro Translations for help error checking, again!

This time around, we have a lot of trivia for a bunch of different actors in this episode!

First up is from our friend Igadevil, one of the most recognized fans of Showa Kamen Riders on the internet:
"Fujino Sachio (who plays the human form of MushrooMorgue in this episode - Jeeg), is in so much Rider it's not even funny. He's also High Priest Wing in V3.  He was back in episode 13 as one of the two security guards, he'll turn up again in episode 30. He's one of the Ono Ken-Yukai guys, they're all over the place as extras or bit parts. Shocker scientists, etc..."

 Then from Sky79, our main translator for Kamen Rider:
Hiroko Hayashi (Kimiko in this episode - Jeeg), in about ten years later she will marry Hisao Kurosawa, a son of Akira Kurosawa
 She also played Kasumi, in Henshin Ninja Arashi.

Also, we have a new-old-face showing up in this episode!
Hirohisa Nakata (Dr. Koike in this episode - Jeeg) - this man [was supposed to] play Taki Kazuya. He played the title character in the series "Captain Ultra" .. and in Skyrider that karate master Ryoichi.

You might remember Ryoichi, from Skyrider episode 9 with the Dojo Killer.
He was also in Kamen Rider Amazon, as Emperor Zero, and he was Mason in Chodenji Bioman!

PHEW.  That was a mouthful.  Handful?  Typeful?  Whatever...
We'll be back next week (if there's still an internet to come back to!) with a new episode.  Right now we're looking at Skyrider 24 for next week, but we might finish Kamen Rider 25 early so we can complete to two-part story.  Maybe... you guys now how much I love leaving a cliffhanger.

Thanks for watching!